Eikōn Professional Services, LLC
Phone: (240) 463-9409
​Fax: (302) 265-0388
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Clinical Supervision
Eikon Professional Services offers counseling supervision services. We are dedicated to providing supervision services that improve the clinical and administrative development of counselors in training.

What is supervision and how does it work?

  • Supervision is a working relationship between a supervisor and a counselor in which the counselor can share, reflect, and get feedback to help increase his/her ethical competence and confidence to best serve clients over several sessions.
  • Hence, supervision is the process employed to communicate the counseling experience with the goal of the supervisor facilitating the development of therapeutic competence in the supervisee within each 50-minute session. The modalities used in clinical supervision include face-to-face, case review, live observation and tape review. A healthy combination of these methods facilitates a comprehensive and holistic experience for the supervisee. 

Supervisor Approach

The supervisor takes on specific roles with the supervisee based on the dynamic of the relationship and case being processed.  These roles include Teacher (Action) for didactic-oriented activities, evaluative functions, and transmitting knowledge; Counselor (Relationship) to help the counselor understand their own dynamics and resolve issues affecting counseling; and Consultant (Insight) to provide opportunity for the counselor to develop his/her own conceptualization and plan.

Supervisee Role

As the supervisee, he/she takes on a role of disclosure as related to the client, therapeutic interaction, supervisory interaction, and personal information. One of the most important roles in the provision of clinical supervision is to protect the welfare of the client and serve as a gatekeeper for the field.

Supervisee Development

The process of clinical development, administrative finesse, and change will, in many ways, may be unique to the supervisee’s particular situation. Who a supervisee is as a person will help to determine the ways in which he/she will go about developing into a counselor. The most important factor in the success of supervision is good communication between supervisor and supervisee.   
Individual Supervision
Individual-Plus Supervision
Group Supervision

 Supervision with Eikon Professional Services is consistent with the ethical standards set forth by the following organizations and the  same will be expected of the supervisee:  The Maryland of Professional Counseling, the American Counseling Association, and the  National Board of Certified Counselors.

It's Time 
For Supervision