Eikōn Professional Services, LLC
Phone: (240) 463-9409
​Fax: (302) 265-0388
HomeAbout UsWhat We DoWho We ServeWorkshopsSupervision

We're here to help
every step of the way!
We are consultants to businesses, individuals and universities providing training, strategies and resources, that bridge gaps between underachievement and desired outcomes.  

Eikōn Professional Services, LLC has been located in Laurel since 2000. As consultants, Eikōn  Professional Services is committed to helping people, universities and organizations forge lasting relationships that bring about change and growth.

Our Services.....
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Enhance your business' behavioral outcomes.  We offer soft skills and mental health sensitivity training that lead to more collaborative interactions.
EPS Offers a two half-day workshop on preparing for the National Counseling Exam (NCE) and a one day review for the Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Exam (CPCE) using CACREP content.

We provide clinical supervision with an aim to bridge knowledge between the classroom and the field through a positive supervisor relationship.